
Dünya Ekonomik Forumu’nun (WEF) Küresel Rekabet Araştırması, sadece dünya çapında ülkelerin finansal sağlığına değil aynı zamanda halkın sağlığıyla da ilgileniyor.

Dünya Ekonomik Forumu, dünyada en uzun yaşadığı yerleri gösteren, ortalama yaşam süresi sıralamasını yayınladı. Beklediğiniz gibi, ekonomisi daha gelişmiş olanlar, büyük olasılıkla daha sağlıklı beslenme ve sağlık hizmetlerine daha kolay ulaşım sağlayabilme nedeniyle daha uzun ömürlere sahip.

Ancak, ilginç olan şu ki; listelenen yerlerden bazılarında intiharla sonuçlanan ruh hastalıkları konusundaki artış nedeniyle beklenenden daha az bir ömür süresi söz konusu.

10 – Norveç — 81.5 Yıl

T-12. Norway — 81.5 years. Life expectancy in Norway has steadily increased over the last few decades, thanks to the reduction in the infant mortality rate. The nation also has a high rate of people keeping active into old age.

10 – Birleşik Krallık — 81.5 Yıl

T-12. United Kingdom — 81.5 years. Britain has one of the highest levels of obesity in western Europe. However, the mixture of good state and private healthcare has helped keep the nation alive for longer.

9 – İsveç — 81.7 Yıl

T-10. Sweden — 81.7 years. Swedes live two years longer than the average age in all OECD countries. The OECD noted that high water quality contributes to a healthier nation.

9 – İsrail — 81.7 Yıl

T-10. Israel — 81.7 years. Men from Israel have one of the highest life expectancy rates in the world, despite mandatory military service. However, the Central Bureau of Statistics noted this year that life expectancy in Jerusalem compared to other cities was shorter than average due to the rising number of violent incidences over the last couple of years.

8 – Avustralya — 82.1 Yıl

T-8. Australia — 82.1 years. The World Health Organisation says an increase in healthier lifestyles and improved healthcare in the country has boosted the nation's life expectancy.

8 – Singapur — 82.1 Yıl

T-8. Singapore — 82.1 years. Life expectancy in the country has increased over the last 30 years, thanks to its high level of preventive and therapeutic healthcare.

7 – İspanya — 82.4 Yıl

7. Spain — 82.4 years. Spain is famous for its "Mediterranean Diet" which doctors say can contribute to a long and healthy life. It is filled with fresh vegetables and fish, as well as healthy fats such as olive oil and nuts.

6 – Fransa — 82.6 Yıl

6. France — 82.6 years. France has one of the lowest obesity rates among OECD countries which contributes towards the nation's high life expectancy.

5 – İsviçre — 82.7 Yıl

5. Switzerland — 82.7 years. The nation's wealth makes healthcare and a good diet more readily available. The oldest woman to live in Switzerland was famously Rosa Rein, who was born in 1897 and died in 2010.

4 – İzlanda — 82.9 Yıl

T-3. Iceland — 82.9 years. Iceland has "The World’s Best Diet" according to a vote by nutritionists. It is said to reduce your risk of diabetes and heart disease.

3 – İtalya — 82.9 Yıl

T-3. Italy — 82.9 years. Respected medical journal The Lancet said Italians tend to live the longest because there is less of a poverty gap in the country. This means that a majority of the population are all able to still eat similar healthy and fresh food, which is usually a luxury for the poor.

2 – Japonya — 83.1 Yıl

2. Japan — 83.1 years. Three years ago, Japan dropped to second place in the rankings because of, sadly, the rise in the number of suicides by the female population. However, life expectancy is long in Japan due to the a predominantly healthy diet.

1 – Hong Kong — 83.5 Yıl

1. Hong Kong — 83.5 years. Various medical journals have noted that the Cantonese tradition of engaging in the non-combative martial art Tai Chi significantly helps people to remain active and healthy into old age. The resident diet of a lot of steamed foods and tea drinking is also said to help keep the Cantonese on a balanced diet.

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