
Aralık ayında, ödül sezonundan hemen önce yayınlanan the Great Performers Issue, New York Times Dergisi’nin yılın en çok beklenen konularından biridir.

2019’da yayınlanan filmleri uzun saatler harcayarak izledikten sonra The Times’ın baş film eleştirmeni A.O. Scott ve eleştirmen Wesley Morris, bu yılın en çarpıcı performansları için seçimlerini 10 oyuncuya kadar indirdi: Adam Driver, Scarlett Johansson, Jennifer Lopez, Elisabeth Moss, Brad Pitt, Leonardo DiCaprio, Lupita Nyong’o, Julianne Moore , Antonio Banderas ve Robert De Niro.

Adam Driver @ Jack Davison/The New York Times
Adam Driver @ Jack Davison/The New York Times
Elisabeth Moss @ Jack Davison/The New York Times
Elisabeth Moss @ Jack Davison/The New York Times
Jennifer Lopez @ Jack Davison/The New York Times
Jennifer Lopez @ Jack Davison/The New York Times
Scarlett Johansson @ Jack Davison/The New York Times
Scarlett Johansson @ Jack Davison/The New York Times
Brad Pitt @ Jack Davison/The New York Times
Brad Pitt @ Jack Davison/The New York Times
Lupita Nyong’o @ Jack Davison/The New York Times
Lupita Nyong’o @ Jack Davison/The New York Times
Robert De Niro @ Jack Davison/The New York Times
Robert De Niro @ Jack Davison/The New York Times
Julianne Moore @ Jack Davison/The New York Times
Julianne Moore @ Jack Davison/The New York Times
Leonardo DiCaprio @ Jack Davison/The New York Times
Leonardo DiCaprio @ Jack Davison/The New York Times
Antonio Banderas @ Jack Davison/The New York Times
Antonio Banderas @ Jack Davison/The New York Times

The New York TimesJack Davison

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