
Konaklama için yeni deneyimler arıyorsanız yolunuz Kansas’a düşerse aşağıda göreceğiniz mekân ilginizi çekecektir.

Günümüzden altmış yıl önce, Soğul Savaş dönemi nükleer başlıklara ev sahipliği yapan bir yer altı deposu bugünlerde konuklarını ağırlayan muhteşem bir otele dönüşmüş durumda. 20 bin metre kare gibi devasa bir alana yayılan tesisteki pek çok detay orijinal haline sadık kalınarak korunmuş.

Mathew Fulkerson ve eşi Leigh Ann’in sahibi olduğu Subterra Airbnb’nin günlük konaklama bedeli yaklaşık 130 dolar.

This Nov. 2, 2017 photo shows Mathew Fulkerson and his wife Leigh Ann at their Subterra Airbnb, located in a former underground missile silo base near Eskridge, Kan. This is the area where the intercontinental ballistic missile was kept.  The Subterra Castle Airbnb opened for business about six months ago. Photo: Thad Allton, AP / The Topeka Capital-Journal

In this Nov. 2, 2017 photo, Mathew Fulkerson and his wife Leigh Ann appear in the reception area of their Subterra Airbnb, located in a former underground missile silo base near Eskridge, Kan. The Subterra Castle Airbnb opened for business about six months ago.  Photo: Thad Allton, AP / The Topeka Capital-Journal

This Nov. 2, 2017 photo shows the area that houses the main room for the Subterra Airbnb located in a former underground missile silo base near Eskridge, Kan. It is the reception area and the passage way to the lower level. The Subterra Castle Airbnb opened for business about six months ago.  Photo: Thad Allton, AP / The Topeka Capital-Journal

In this Nov. 2, 2017 photo, Mathew Fulkerson and his wife Leigh Ann prepare a guest room at their Subterra Airbnb located in a former underground missile silo base near Eskridge, Kan. The Subterra Castle Airbnb opened for business about six months ago.  Photo: Thad Allton, AP / The Topeka Capital-Journal

This Nov. 2, 2017 photo shows the launch control panel for the Atlas missile at a silo missile base that has been converted into the Subterra Airbnb near Eskridge, Kan. The Subterra Castle Airbnb opened for business about six months ago.  Photo: Thad Allton, AP / The Topeka Capital-Journal

In this Nov. 2, 2017 photo, Mathew Fulkerson and his wife Leigh Ann pose at their Subterra Airbnb located in a former underground missile silo base near Eskridge, Kan. The Subterra Castle Airbnb opened for business about six months ago.  Photo: Thad Allton, AP / The Topeka Capital-Journal


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