1960’larda Dr. Who’nun Dalekleri ile Tanışma (19 Fotoğraf)

BBC TV dizisi Dr Who’nun yapımcısı Verity Lambert, yeni dizinin çekimleri sırasında Planetarium, Baker Street’te bir robot Dalek ile birlikte.
Tarih: 20/08/1964
Planetarium, Baker Street’te robot Dalek’le tanışan çocuklar.
Tarih: 20/08/1964
DALEK 1966: Daleks Invade the Earth 2150AD” filminin 31 Ocak’ta yapımının başladığı Shepperton Stüdyoları. 24 yaşındaki Jill Corzon, Peter Cushing’den Dr Who’nun kadın başrolünü oynuyor.
Tarih: 19/01/1966
Cambridge öğrenciler, BBC Televizyonu Merkezi’nde, bir tekne yarışı arifesinde, Dr Who’dan bir Dalek’e yakından bakıyor.
Tarih: 02/04/19653
Birkaç Dalek, otobüse binmeye çalışırken.
Tarih: 23/12/1963
Dr Who – Gamage Mağazasında Dalek oyuncağı, Londra
Dr Who’da Susan’ı canlandıran Carole Ann Ford, bazı çocuklar için Dalek Kitabının bir kopyasını imzalıyor. Ayrıca Dalek oyuncağını gösteriyor.
Tarih: 28/11/1964
Television - BBC TV - Dr Who - Belle Vue Circus, Manchester The Daleks of the BBC television series "Dr Who" take to the ring with elephants at Belle Vue circus. Date: 26/01/1965
Televizyon – BBC TV – Dr Who – Belle Vue Sirki, Manchester
“Dr Who” nun Dalek’leri, Belle Vue sirkininde fillerle ringe çıkıyor.
Tarih: 26/01/1965
Television - BBC TV -"Dr Who" - Dalek Slippers 2 year old David Furman of Hull, whose father owns a shoe shop, wearing the latest thing in slippers - decorated with a Dalek motif, from the BBC television programme "Dr Who". Ref #: PA.10285785 Date: 02/02/1965
Swinging on a Dalek at Shepperton Studios are Roy Castle and Jennie Linden, seen practising a dance routine for "Dr Who and the Daleks", a film based on the BBC television science fiction serial and now being made at Shepperton. Roy Castle plays Ian and 22 year old Jennie plays his girlfriend Barbara, Dr Who's granddaughter. Dr Who is played by Peter Cushing. Ref #: PA.8644834 Date: 10/03/1965
Ref #: PA.10285666 Date: 01/03/1965
Film - Dr Who and the Daleks - Shepperton
A Dalek confronting a flame-belching Mechanoid at Ealing Studios, London. Ref #: PA.10285637 Date: 14/04/1965
A lorry-load of Daleks at Shepperton Studios, near London, before leaving by Dover en route for the Cannes Film Festival. They are the stars in "Dr Who and the Daleks". Ref #: PA.10285765 Date: 17/05/1965
Nadezhda Volchenko, Deputy Chief of the International Department of the Soviet Star Film Industry Committee, surrounded by Daleks on a set at Shepperton Studios, near London. The Daleks have just finished the main shooting for "Daleks Invade Earth, 2150 AD". Ref #: PA.10285625 Date: 25/03/1966
Oblivious of the drama that was going on, a small bow hiding his identity under a Dalek suit, was among the very few spectators as John Edward Witney was ushered out of the West London Magistrate's Court. The boys just went on playing their games. Ref #: PA.10285717 Date: 31/08/1966
Andrew Tuttner (8) meets two Daleks on Westminister Bridge, London. The robots were on location for the new BBC series of "Dr Who". 5/2/99: The Daleks will appear on Millennium stamps due to be issued Summer 1999 by the Royal Mail. * The other three stamps in the entertainers series are expected to feature Bobby Moore holding the World Cup aloft, Charlie Chaplin and former rock legend Freddie Mercury. Ref #: PA.1162284 Date: 20/08/1964
Verity Lambert lighting a cigarette from one of the mechanoid flame guns from the new Dalek series. archive-439301 Date: 15/04/1965


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