
10. Epson Uluslararası Pano Ödülleri’nde en yüksek puanı alan panoramik fotoğraflar açıklandı. Yarışma, dünyadaki panoramik fotoğrafçıların en iyi çalışmalarını sergilemek için düzenleniyor. Organizatörler, bu yıl belirlenen 5 kategori için 72 ülkeden 1.258 fotoğrafçının 4.913 fotoğrafla başvurduğu ve 50 bin dolarlık ödül için yarıştığını açıkladı.

Photopublicity.com ile ortaklaşa yarışma düzenlenen yarışmadan bir seçkiyi aşağıda görebilirsiniz.

Australian photographer Mark Gray entered this image of Vatnajokull Glacier in Iceland in the open landscape and nature category. It bagged him the contest's Epson Digital Art Prize
Avustralyalı fotoğrafçı Mark Gray, İzlanda’daki Vatnajokull Buzulu’nun bu görüntüsüyle açık hava ve doğa kategorisinde katıldı. Epson Dijital Sanat Ödülü’nü kazandı.
An amazing image of Glacier Point in California's Yosemite National Park captured by Chinese photographer Yifan Bai, which was entered into the amateur landscape and nature category
Kaliforniya’daki Yosemite Ulusal Parkı’ndaki Glacier Point. Amatör manzara ve doğa kategorisinde katılan Çinli fotoğrafçı Yifan Bai’ye ait.
'Winters Delight' is the name of this charming image, taken in Norway's Lofoten Islands by Australian photographer Rowena English. It features in the amateur built environment category
‘Winters Delight’ Avustralyalı fotoğrafçı Rowena English’ten Norveç’in Lofoten Adaları.
This eye-catching shot by German photographer Dieter Meyrl features in the open landscape and nature category. It shows the Lofoten archipelago in Norway
Alman fotoğrafçı Dieter Meyrl açık peyzaj ve doğa kategorisinde yer aldı. Norveç’te Lofoten takımadaları.
Czech photographer Jiri Benda snapped this stunning image in the High Tatras mountain range in eastern Europe. It is shortlisted in the amateur landscape and nature category
Çek fotoğrafçı Jiri Benda, bu çarpıcı görüntüyü doğu Avrupa’daki Yüksek Tatras sıradağlarında çekti
This image by Australian Danny Tan showing Torres del Paine National Park in Chile was named the winner of the Nikon Award. He named the picture 'Solitude'
Şili’deki Torres del Paine Milli Parkı’nı fotoğraflayan Avustralyalı Danny Tan, Nikon Ödülü’nün galibi oldu. Resme ‘Solitute’ adını verdi.
Canadian photographer Tim Shields entered this autumnal image, 'The Veins Of A Tree', in the open landscape and nature category and it has since been shortlisted
‘The Veins Of A Tree’ Kanadalı fotoğrafçı Tim Shields
'The Wanaka Tree' is the title of this breath-taking shot by Australian photographer Rowena English,
‘The Wanaka Tree’ Avustralyalı fotoğrafçı Rowena English tarafından Yeni Zelanda’da çekildi.
This moody image snapped in Iceland by Samuel Scicluna from Malta was entered in the amateur landscape and nature category. It is called 'Into The Storm'
‘Into The Storm’ Bu karamsar görüntü İzlanda’dan. Malta’dan Samuel Scicluna’ya ait.
The Vietnamese city of Hoi An features in this vibrant image taken by Tran Minh Dung, which was entered in the open built environment category
Vietnam şehri Hoi An, Tran Minh Dung tarafından fotoğraflandı
Deryk Baumgaertner from Germany captured this haunting image of Mont-Saint-Michel in Normandy, France. It was entered into the open built environment category
Almanya’dan Deryk Baumgaertner, Fransa’nın Normandiya kentinde Mont-Saint-Michel’in bu unutulmaz görüntüsünü yakaladı.
Werner Van Steen from Belgium entered this amazing shot, called 'Chamonix Needles', in the open landscape and nature category
‘Chamonix Needles’ Belçika’dan Werner Van Steen’e ait
Chinese photographer Wenchang Chen submitted this stunning picture in the amateur landscape and nature category. Taken on Norway's Senja island, it is simply called 'The Amazing Senja'
Çinli fotoğrafçı Wenchang Chen bu çarpıcı fotoğrafı Norveç’in Senja adasında çekti.
‘The Amazing Senja’
This picture of Rovinj in Croatia, called 'Istrian Dream', was captured by Italian photographer Giulio Zanni and features in the amateur built environment category
Rovinj, Hırvatistan’da çekilen ‘Istrian Dream’ adı verilen bu fotoğraf İtalyan fotoğrafçı Giulio Zanni tarafından çekildi
American Benjamin Williamson features in the open built environment category with this amazing image of the Portland Head Lighthouse in Maine
Amerikalı fotoğrafçı Benjamin Williamson’a ait Maine’deki Portland Head Lighthouse’ın muhteşem görüntüsü
American Jason Lewis called this stunning image that he captured 'Enchanted Glade'. It was entered in the amateur landscape and nature category
Amerikalı fotoğrafçı Jason Lewis’ten ‘Enchanted Glade’
The autumn colours of Patagonia shine through on this image by Australian snapper Chantasinee La-Ongsri. It features in the amateur landscape and nature category
Patagonya’nın sonbahar renkleri. Avustralyalı fotoğrafçı Chantasinee La-Ongsri tarafından çekildi.
'City In The Sky' is the name of this eerie image of Dubai, snapped by German photographer Bernadett Becei. It was entered in the open built environment category
” City In The Sky’ Dubai. Alman fotoğrafçı Bernadett Becei’ye ait
Walter Said from Argentina entered this picture into the amateur landscape and nature category. It is called 'La Pradera Olvidada', which translates into English as 'The Forgotten Meadow'
The Forgotten Meadow’ Arjantin’den Walter Said’e ait
A shot by Qian Wang from Singapore in the amateur landscape and nature category called 'Fairy Land'. It shows Indonesia’s largest waterfall, Tumpak Sewu
Singapurlu Qian Wang’a ait ‘Fairy Land’ adlı fotoğraf. Endonezya’nın en büyük şelalesi Tumpak Sewu’yu göstermektedir.
An image by Swiss photographer Simone Cmoon in the open landscape category called 'Hommage'. It was taken in Appenzell, Switzerland
İsviçre’deki Appenzell’de çekilen “Hommage” adlı fotoğraf İsviçreli fotoğrafçı Simone Cmoon’a ait
José Manuel Fachal Roel from Spain submitted this beautiful image in the amateur landscape and nature category. It is called 'Lighthouse Sunset' and shows Cape Finisterre lighthouse in Spain
İspanya’dan José Manuel Fachal Roel’in ‘Lighthouse Sunset’ adlı fotoğrafı İspanya’daki Cape Finisterre deniz fenerini gösteriyor.
Sergio Saavedra Ruiz from Spain captured this stunning image of Slovenia's Lake Bled at sunrise. It was entered in the amateur built environment category
İspanya’dan Sergio Saavedra Ruiz, Slovenya’nın Bled Gölü’nün bu çarpıcı görüntüsünü güneş doğarken yakaladı.
Russian photographer Petr Ushanov features in the amateur built environment category with this serene shot of Solovetsky Monastery in northern Russia he calls 'Monastery In The Sky'
Rus fotoğrafçı Petr Ushanov, Solovetsky Manastırı’nın bu sakin görüntüsüne “Monastery in the sky” adını verdi.
Mexican photographer Luis Lyons submitted this dramatic image, called 'Golden Sunlight Tetechos', in the amateur landscape and nature category. It was taken in the Tehuacán-Cuicatlán Biosphere Reserve in Mexico
‘Golden Sunlight Tetechos’ Luis Lyons, Meksika. Meksika’daki Tehuacán-Cuicatlán Biyosfer Rezervi
Photographer Zhayynn James from India entered this fascinating image into the amateur landscape and nature category. He called the picture 'Clash Of The Titans'
‘Clash Of The Titans’ Zhayynn James, Hindistan
The overall winner of the 2019 open competition is Mieke Boynton from Australia. Her winning shot, called 'Dragonfire', shows braided rivers in Iceland. She said: 'I travelled to Iceland last year and chartered a Cessna 207 to photograph the spectacular braided rivers. As the mighty glaciers travel down the mountains, they grind up the rock underneath, and as the melted water fans out across the river deltas, these suspended rock particles cause a slight milkiness to the water. The colours alter according to the presence of different elements and minerals such as sulphur and iron, and the endless variations are absolutely breathtaking. It wasn’t until later that I saw the fire-breathing dragon in the photo, but now that I’ve seen it, I can’t see anything else! Nature is truly an artist'
2019 açık yarışmasının genel galibi ‘Dragonfire’ adlı fotoğrafıyla Avustralya’dan Mieke Boynton oldu.
'Mysterious Monastery' is the name of this jaw-dropping image of the student village at the Larung Gar Buddhist Institute in Sichuan, captured by Daniel Zheng from Singapore. It features in the open built environment category
‘Mysterious Monastery’ Daniel Zheng, Singapur
British photographer Jason Denning captured this amazing shot of Hong Kong and entered it into the open built environment category. He called his image 'Urban Pinnacles'
‘Urban Pinnacles’ Jason Danning, İngiltere
This image is called 'Icy Peaks' and was snapped by Chinese photographer Weihao Pan. It was entered into the open landscape and nature category
‘Icy Peaks’ Weihao Pan, Çin
Photographer Weimin Chu from China captured this stunning image, called 'Magical Hour'. It features in the open landscape and nature category
‘Magical Hour’ Weimin Chu, Çin
The runner-up in the 2019 open competition is Abdulla Al-Mushaifri from Qatar. His mesmerising shot shows the National Museum of Qatar
2019 açık yarışmada ikincisi Katarlı Abdulla El-Mushaifri. Fotoğraf Katar Ulusal Müzesi’ni gösteriyor
Yiu Kai Shinoda captured this shot of the Macau Peninsula, called 'An Awakening City'. It features in the amateur built environment category
‘An Awakening City’ Yiu Kai Shinoda, Macau Peninsula
Spanish photographer Carlos F. Turienzo is named the winner of the 2019 amateur competition. His image shows a waterfall in Lofoten, Norway. He said: 'I photographed it during a beautiful sunset. It is the result of seven vertical stitched images. On my travels I always try to visit less known places like this beautiful waterfall and it really was worthwhile. In fact I went again one night and I managed to capture it with Northern Lights, but that is another story'
İspanyol fotoğrafçı Carlos F. Turienzo, 2019 amatör yarışmasının galibi oldu.
This stunning image by Spanish photographer Marc Marco was entered into the amateur built environment category. The title of the picture, which shows the Cap de Formentor lighthouse in Majorca, is 'Formentor Lights'
‘Formentor Lights’ Marc Marco, İspanya
Alberto Jose Moreno Jurado from Spain submitted this image to the competition in the amateur landscape and nature category. Taken in Iceland, it is called 'Magic Stokness'
‘Magic Stokness’  Alberto Jose Moreno Jurado, ispanya
The runner-up in the amateur category is Australian photographer Daniel Trippolt. His stunning shot, called 'Milky Way', shows the twisting Grossglockner High Alpine Road in Austria
‘Milky Way’ Daniel Trippolt, Avustralya
Daniel Trippolt from Austria entered the amateur landscape and nature category with this image, taken in his home country, which he called 'Spring - Styria'
‘Spring – Styria’ Daniel Trippolt, Avusturya
This jaw-dropping picture of the Milky Way over the Nock Mountains in Austria was also captured by Austrian photographer Daniel Trippolt. It features in the amateur landscape and nature category
Avusturya’daki Nock Dağları’ndan Samanyolu, Avusturyalı fotoğrafçı Daniel Trippolt’a ait
This image, taken in Texas, is called 'Tornillo 360' and was snapped by Spanish photographer Alberto Jose Moreno Jurado. It is entered in the amateur landscape and nature category
‘Tornillo 360’ Alberto Jose Moreno Jurado, İspanya
Photographer Carlos F. Turienzo is shortlisted in the amateur built environment category for this reflective shot of New York City taken from New Jersey
Fotoğrafçı Carlos F. Turienzo’nun New Jersey’den çektiği New York şehri fotoğrafı
A jaw-dropping image of the Vasco da Gama Bridge in Lisbon by Carlos F. Turienzo. The image is commended in the amateur built environment category
Lizbon’daki Vasco da Gama Köprüsü’nün, Carlos F. Turienzo tarafından çekilen görüntüsü
This moody image of Montone in Italy was entered into the amateur built environment category by Australian photographer Douglas Porter
Montone, İtalya’daki bu karamsar görüntüyü Avustralyalı fotoğrafçı Douglas Porter yakaladı.

tüm fotoğraflar: photopublicity.com  ve thepanoawards.com


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